Mesa County Valley School District 51 issued the following announcement on March 11.
Buildings will be open to parents and students (who are NOT showing symptoms of COVID-19) beginning at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, March 24. Families can come to schools on this day to check out Chrome books, and students can access the building to gather any belongings that they will need to participate in remote learning. Families needing to pick up medications need to call the school starting on March 23 to set up a time to meet with the school nurse. During this time, we encourage that these visits to buildings are done as quickly as possible, and that people practice social distancing while there. Please continue to check your email or for more information.
Chromebook Checkout Policy:
Emergency Meal Schedule & Locations:
Students should participate in the remote learning opportunities in order to meet requirements for credits. At this time, we are unsure of how this situation will affect graduations. We will update families as soon as we learn more about graduations.
Original source can be found here.
Source: Mesa County Valley School District 51